Sunday, July 24, 2011


I'm in Colorado Springs!! National Convention just ended a few hours ago...I'm rather tired, but it was so amazing. I got to see Wava, our founder, and meet several other people important to my chapter. Right now there's some sort of dance going on, but I'm socially retarded and literally ran away after about 25 seconds in that room. Yay me. All the other fun stuff involved me being on ritual committee...I really liked that because I'm a bit of a geek.

The best thing about Colorado Springs is the weather. It rained almost every day, but that meant that the weather was pleasant...I got to wear a cardigan outside comfortably, which was bad for my cardigan addiction and made me really happy. We went to Garden of the Gods and Manitou Springs...both places were super fun. Garden of the Gods reminded me of Robber's Cave a bit...I hadn't gone scampering on rocks like that in a few years. Manitou Springs is supposedly like Eurkea Springs, but I haven't been to Eureka Springs since I was 14 or so, so I cannot vouch for that claim.

I think I'll head to bed...long drive back to Fayetteville tomorrow. For greater bands!