Friday, May 13, 2011

Goodbye, Sophomore Year!

Today, I (finally) took my last final...German. It was rather interesting...and by interesting I mean not exactly what I expected.

In honor of the completion of my 63rd college credit hour, I'm going to write 63 things I've learned in college.

1) No matter the weather, it is 85 degrees or warmer without a cloud in the sky at Lot 56 from August to October.
2) Every building on campus "used to be a dorm." This may or may not be true...
3) Fayetteville is the best town in the world.
4) The Dalai Lama is a proponent of peace, but some people use their religious differences with him to spread hate...
5) Brough just isn't very good...
6) Never say "I am good" in German. It doesn't mean the same thing at all.
7) Conversely, never say "I am bad" in German. It took me a month to figure that one out...
8) Earplugs are wonderful, wonderful things.
9) Free concerts in the cold of early May are the best, especially when the band is awesome and annoyed to be in Arkansas.
10) You can get all your clothes fo' free if you're in band and are in the right place at the right time.
11) "Friday" is appropriate every day of the week.
12) Never leave your umbrella in your room. Always keep it with you.
13) The band hall is the best place on campus to: watch a movie, practice your instrument, paint canvases, have chapter, talk with friends, and study. It's okay for band practice too.
14) Mr. Pratchard "goes both ways."
15) Skittles is the best janitor ever.
16) Some semesters, getting all As shows not that you're a dedicated student, but that you took really easy classes.
17) Having a water bottle with you at all times is a must.
18) If your teacher makes derogatory remarks about sororities and fraternities, realize that he/she WILL NOT realize that you're in an honorary sorority for members of the college band.
19) Band gives so many things away. I've been to Georgia & Dallas twice this year, and unfortunately have been to New Orleans as well.
20) New Orleans is the sketchiest city I have ever been to. It glorifies everything I disapprove of.
21) Going to a BCS bowl does not mean that you will a) have good seats or b) be able to see the field.
22) Script Ohio is the coolest thing I've ever seen a marching band do.
23) Beverly is the worst soda/pop of all time.
24) The Dalai Lama has the best laugh.
25) Borrowing your sister's dress means you'll get lots of compliments.
26) Nail polish is ALWAYS a good investment.
27) College math sucks.
28) Nothing in college is for pay for it in your student fees. But it sure feels free!!
29) It's sad every time everyone leaves...and happy every time you're reunited.
30) Every time your day sucks, chances are one of your friends is having a worse one.
31) Don't take 7:30 classes...they don't stick in your memory at all.
32) 12:30 Brough is an Olympic sport.
33) International Relations is both an easy major and the best major of all.
34) Club Mullins is the most happenin' spot on campus.
35) Leggings are still not pants.
36) Sorority girl shorts, however, are super comfy.
37) You will see people in class on exam days you have never seen before and will never see again.
38) After freshman year, packing isn't fun any more.
39) Facebook is an addiction. Everyone has their own ritual...mine's facebook, e-mail, then twitter.
40) With hulu, the need for a television is eliminated.
41) After a while, you begin to recognize most of the people you see around campus. It's creepy.
42) Procrastination is not my friend. I generally just don't do it...
43) Always always always wear sunscreen whenever going outside for any amount of time.
44) Aloe vera is pretty cheap at Walmart...
45) Even the worst basketball game experience can be made fun with a fight!
46) Per diem is a band kid's best friend.
47) Hitler got the idea of killing mentally challenged people from the US. Really, America? Really?
48) Bill & Hillary Clinton never actually went to school here.
49) 1924 & 1950 are near each other on senior walk. Coincidence? I think not...
50) All organizations on campus change drastically all the time...having a guaranteed turnover every 4 years does that to a club.
51) The Brandon is always an appropriate dance move.
52) Backstage at the Walton Arts Center is rather swanky.
53) When it rains, the best route from Gregson to Mullins is cutting through the art building.
54) If the Quads has a pop machine, it's very well hidden.
55) If a store is out of your brand of detergent, wait to buy more. Switching brands is bad news.
56) Nothing is more magical than watching the sun rise from the steps of Old Main.
57) Concert band is the most fun band of all!
58) My concert black is my most comfortable outfit.
59) Getting a job when you've never had one before is hard.
60) The German department is made up of amazing people I'd like to be friends with in real life.
61) Despite that, sometimes "das ist alles fuer heute" is the best phrase you'll ever hear.
62) Double check your schedule the night before classes start; sometime they like to switch rooms on you.
63) I love the University of Arkansas. Woo Pig Sooie!!!!

Here's to another 60 amazing hours. I can totally believe I'm halfway done with my undergrad work, though.

April on Parks & Rec likes Neutral Milk Hotel. I like this show even more now. And that was the best episode I've seen yet. NBC comedy's soppy romantic parts make me into a soppy romantic person, despite my current view that having a boy in my life would suck. Having an ignorant, inconsiderate roommate will do that to a girl. But despite all that, I'm hoping that someday, one of those rom-com moments will happen to me.

Tomorrow, I move out. Changes like this make me want to mis-quote Noah and the Whale: "It's the first day of summer. And my life is starting over again."

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