Thursday, June 30, 2011

"Wipe that hell off your face!"

Today my world lit group presented our presentation over Dante's Divine Comedy. I doubt that I'll remember much about it a week from now, except that in the original story, Cato literally tells Dante to wipe the hell off his face. We had fun with that. I played turns out epics generally don't have many women in them, unless they need wives or mothers. And since Dante was just travelling through hell (and purgatory and heaven) he didn't really have much need for the ladies.

I saw Evita last weekend at the Tulsa PAC, my Saturday home during the month of June. It was excellent, and made me realize that I know nothing about South America besides that the world's most dangerous road is there (thanks Top Gear) and that Brazilians speak Portuguese. But now I know all about Eva and Juan Peron. Did you know that Juan and his third wife, Isabel, kept Eva's embalmed body on their dining room table? True fact.

Tomorrow is the last day of the summer class I'm taking...I did that thing where I figure up how many points I need on the final to get an A. This is usually a bad idea that results in me watching a movie or writing a blog instead of studying, like I'm doing now. Hopefully the inspiration for the essay section will strike me tomorrow morning.

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