Monday, January 14, 2013

Every Day Should Be Downton Day

Oh my. I love Downton Abbey so much. I livetweeted it like it was Death Canoe 4. But seriously, HOW OLD IS ANNA? I thought she was about 25, but then she married Bates who is...45? I can't tell how old these people are. And Daisy looks like she's 12, but I think she's about 20. And isn't Edith an old maid by now, or was that not a thing after WWI because there weren't that many men around? Mary is still my favorite character. Her icy devotion to her family and position is nice. I hated it last week when she was acting emotional because she was getting married. That's not an excuse for feelings! I wanted to see her get married and say something like "Oh well, if I must" at the altar and have her and Matthew get into an argument over it, but then still get married.

I'm watching the news right now - it's repetitive and depressing. "Armstrong doped." "Newtown parents want more gun control" "No one else wants gun control" "Fiscal Cliff: Part XXXXVI" That's followed by a typical CBS Evening News feel-good story of some kind that I don't particularly care for.

I had a really good last first day at the University of Arkansas. I got to see some friends I hadn't seen in about a month, and 2 of my 3 classes were ausgezeichnet. The other one was fuzzy - didn't get into any material, so it's too soon to judge. I ate an apple between classes. I'm so happy that I have the opportunity to be nerdy and take 15 hours when I need about 3 of them. Only one class tomorrow, so it looks like a good day ahead.

I'm also finalizing my applications for one program that I really want to do next year and my application to GWU. I hope both are successful! I'm just waiting on recommendations for both applications, and I reminded my professor (along with sitting in a class she was teaching for 3 hours today), so hopefully all goes as planned. I'm so nervous/excited about next year. I can't wait to either teach English or start my graduate studies - but I'm nervous to see which opportunities pan out.

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