Monday, October 3, 2011

High School Cowgirls and Jerryworld, Take 3

Although I know my German skills have been constantly improving from the 3 words I knew when I started college, sometimes I seriously doubt that. Like tonight. I had to look up what "ihr" meant. (It means y'all. It's one of the pronouns you use for basic conjugation.) But I'm going to keep my chin up and do well on my test tomorrow.

I was in Dallas yesterday. It started out looking like it was going to be not so much fun, but I ended up having a blast...although I still do not understand why there are girls dressed up as cowgirls at every Texas high school. The high schools I've seen are in Dallas...Dallas is not in the country. The Arkansas game was fun though! I got all happy and such when it looked like we were going to lose like at Bama again. (True story. I can be the happy one when everyone else gets upset about football.) Then at halftime, I came up with a second-half strategy: for the Hogs to defend their goal while offending A&M. The second part of this strategy was to win. It worked extremely well. And while on the subject of that game, I'd like to say that I have the best little brothers ever in KKPsi. They end up near me in every game. Kody listens to my incessant chatter about how I'm confused as to what's going on and Matt would turn around and high five me whenever something good happened.

Although I'm tired and always always always have something else to do for school right now, I have to admit that my life isn't bad. :) I've got friends that put up with my through my random stages of grouchiness and the sweet prospect of a trip home in 12 days.

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