Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Trombone Christmas!

Today was the RMB trombone section's Christmas party! Since it's finals week, not everyone was able to come, but it was still really fun. Stephanie made hot chocolate and tea that tasted like apple pie and fancy coffee (I had a mug of each), and Jackson made really good sugar cookies. I made stanz using stuff Stephanie bought. :) Of course there were games, but I was able to get out of playing most of them. ("Chelsea doesn't like games. We don't know why." <--- bound to happen when my namesake feels this way about games.) The bad thing was that I ate cereal for breakfast and lunch, so I knew this sugar-fest would end badly for me. Luckily, Stephanie gave me some of her leftovers from buffalo wild wings. I felt pretty guilty about eating it...but I knew I'd end up sick if I just ate junk all day. Tomorrow I get to eat at Petra with some friends; I'm excited because it's a cool local place, and I want to eat at as many of those as possible before I graduate and move away!

I have one more final left. It's for elementary French, so I'm not concerned (but I'm still studying). I'm pretty happy with how this semester has turned out...I feel like I learned a bit, and I'm excited for the semester to come, especially since I decided to take two German classes in the spring. It's weird to think that I only have one semester left at the U of A, but at the same time it seems like graduation will never get here! I'm also excited to have a month off from school - I'm looking forward to watching tv, reading, spending time with my family, and working on graduate school applications. And getting my biannual haircut! I'm super excited for most collegiate girls that I've talked to, I only get my hair cut during school breaks, so it happens about twice a year, generally around the same time I get my teeth cleaned (which is happening on Monday!).

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