Wednesday, December 5, 2012


The only good thing about being a bit stressed is that I can say that in 3 different languages, and I feel so pretentious even typing that phrase. "Helllllo, darling. I'm Chelsea, and I speak not one, but THREE languages, although the third is a little rough." *holds long fancy cigarette holder* *looks around, realizes there is no cigarette* "I'm applying for GRADUATE study in International Relations." Doesn't college bring out the annoying in all of us. But as least I'm not the worst person. According to 30 Rock, graduate students are the worst.

The best thing about today is that is marks the end of my International Relations Seminar! IR Seminar, where I learned that I should not be a theorist. (I think IR theorists get too bogged down in wording and then look up and are surprised that stuff is HAPPENING in the world. There's simply not time to slowly analyze every situation! This isn't history!) Basically, I'm against the academic/practical divide in the discipline, but I have no ideas on how to fix it. I'm not in a position to fix it either.

Anyhow, with that class being over, I've just got 3 exams between me and a month off from school! 1 tomorrow, 1 Tuesday, and 1 Friday. A nice amount of time between each to study. My concert band audition is also tomorrow - I am a bit nervous about that, but if I don't make a concert band, at least there's always taking another German class!

I've been thinking about the Holocaust a lot lately - a side effect of taking a course on the subject, I suppose.  What if the only reason it matters (to the world at large; everything matters to someone) is because we want it to matter? We want to believe in the fairytale triumph of good over ultimate evil, and believe that even though horrid things can happen, humanity can survive. We want to believe that humans can learn from their mistakes (although we clearly haven't). I really don't know...that's just the nature of the problem.

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