Thursday, June 9, 2011

Writing A Paper

Right now, I'm attempting to work on my paper for World Lit. Several things are getting in the way of this, however.

1) This paper isn't due until Tuesday.
I literally have nothing else to do besides that until then. Like I have 22 free hours every school day. I'm going home on Friday and I'm still completely unconcerned about getting done on time.
2) This paper only needs to be 4-5 pages.
I haven't even really been trying, and I'm halfway done.
3) World Lit is a core class.
There are 2 football players in my class...since I am capable of making coherent sentences, passing shouldn't be a big deal.
4) Ms. Al-Dareisah says that she wants to give us all As.
We just have to show that we want them.

I think I may go to FPL in the unlikely event that I get my act together enough to finish today...I do love reading, and I'm sure there are many lovely books out there just waiting for me to damage them due to my habit of reading while eating. Eating is just so boring to me! I need to be reading or watching tv or talking...anything to take away from the knowledge that I'm going to spend days out of my life shoveling food in my mouth. Speaking of eating, I have discovered that soy milk is amazing. It can never replace actual milk, because it tastes nothing like it. Soy milk tastes like vanilla extract smells, while milk tastes like milk. Now I'm googling it to make sure it's not going to cause cancer like my cell phone is.

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