Monday, August 22, 2011

If this is a rom-com, kill the director!

My music lecture teacher assigned us to write a few sentences about our favorite piece of music. So I'm listening to the top played songs on my itunes and becoming outrageously happy after a kinda "meh" first day of class. Music lecture actually looks like it could be cool. Thinking about why music is important to me and why I like my favorite song is pretty revealing.

German was only a tiny bit frightening. I caught about 75% of what the Leher said, so that's a good sign. Having 50 vocab words, however, was not. I know I can do it though!! I love German, so it's going to be great! (Also, my teacher has his nose pierced. He doesn't really seem like the pierced-nose type.)

I'm super excited to learn about the cold war...the best part about being a junior is taking classes that are very interesting to me, not just core classes. I spent part of my evening downstairs reading for class already. (Did you know that the US basically had a weird war against the Bolsheviks right at the end of WWI where we were allied with Japan? I didn't.)

Lunchtime in Brough is most definitely a sport now. I had to wander around for 15 minutes before I found a seat...I took to grabbing an empty ice cream cone every lap because I thought I wasn't ever going to get to sit and eat.

I'm just kind of dealing with my social life right now...I spent Saturday & Sunday watching the first season of Doctor Who (and it was awesome). I mean, I talk with people all the time, but I'm probably going to spend the year getting to know my inner nerdfighter better. It's about time she has a chance to show the world how awesome she is!

I think I'm going to write about "Sigh No More" or "Roll Away Your Stone." Then, it's time for more Doctor Who, I think.


Friday, August 19, 2011

Free time?

I'm currently enjoying the last few minutes of an unanticipated break in early week! We got out of indoor rehearsal early this afternoon, which coupled with getting out of morning practice early means it barely even seems like early week! Luckily this madness will soon come to an end.

This early week I've been dealing a lot with how my tiredness chooses to manifest itself. Instead of getting tired, I've just become very negative/easily irritated. I'm trying to keep a lid on it, but I'm super glad this week is almost over from that standpoint. Also, I'm super excited to wear cute clothes again. I think the break from constantly being around my fellow RMBers will be good for all of us. I'm happy to have met so many cool people this week and I'm super excited for this year.


1 Week to Razorback Volleyball Band!!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

I love band. It's so good to me.

It's Early Week!!!! This means I'm going to be tired until Saturday...but it's all worth it. Little things like horn angles and the distance your toes are apart become so super important, and silly stuff like classes aren't in the way to bother you. Things are a-changing in the RMB, but they seem to be changing for the better. :) I'm super excited about being on leadership...hopefully I can help make my section better and not be lame about it. Yay band!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Attractive from a distance, crazy up close.

I think Eufaula needs a new slogan. "Where pride creates progress" never made much sense anyways...
I'm thinking "Crazy, but you love it anyways" or "Exciting when you least expect it!"

This slogan has been earned in the past two days for sure. Yesterday, a grass fire almost got to my grandparents' house. It was pretty scary since the police wouldn't let us drive back where they live to check on them and they didn't answer the phone since they were outside wetting down the grass near their house and such. It luckily only came within 200 yards of their place. This incident made it clear that we were in need of some rain. And Mother Nature kindly fulfilled that need...with a raging thunderstorm that knocked out power to most of Eufaula for half the night and most of the morning. Due to that, I ended up going to selflessly volunteer at the elementary school to help my mom get her classroom ready...and by "selflessly" I mean that the elementary had AC and my house didn't.

My mom is also on her second loaner car...her car's AC isn't working, so it's in the shop. She was a driving a loaner from the dealership (it was a grand marquis, more commonly known around our house as the grandma car) but then someone was interested in it, so it was traded for a tank-like ford pickup. All in all, the most exciting week of the summer in Eufaula...I'm so glad I was home for it!!

In other news, I recently discovered the UA frat style provides minutes of exciting advice "for the fratty hogs." I just laugh at it...much like I laugh at total frat move, a website where sorority girls & frat guys brag about how stupid they are...apparently they're unaware that the rest of us just make fun of their website. :)

I preordered The Fault in our Stars this week for both me & Emily. Then today I discovered that both Stephanie Perkins and Maureen Johnson have books coming out next month! I'm in young adult literary heaven! I may even start reading during the school year...

It's almost the most wonderful time of the year: early week. I'm sick of summer and this waiting around.