Wednesday, November 28, 2012


This afternoon I realized that today is my half birthday! I'm 21.5 years old today! To celebrate, I made soup for dinner and watched some Doctor Who before revising my IR paper. Party hard, right? I think I'm about to go crazy and have some ice cream now.

I'm so ready for this semester to be over. All I want to do is read and watch movies, but I need to revise papers and write a paper and study. Luckily, I can see the end! This will all be over oh so very soon, and I get precisely one month off before going back for my final semester as a undergraduate! And in the break, I get to apply to graduate schools! Fun fun, thinking bout fun.(Rebecca Black is right. I do know what it is.)

I also got to cite an article FROM THE FUTURE today while working on a paper. The article came from the International Herald Tribune, and the date was Nov. 29, 2012. So I guess you could say that my predictions about how the Greek crisis will go tomorrow are completely accurate. Also, why is there still a paywall on the NY Times's website when I'm logged into the UofA library system? I feel like the YOU of A should spring for the group subscription for all of the students. Ten articles a month is definitely not enough.

In unrelated news, I've been watching way too much Parks and Rec lately, as per usual. I'm becoming concerned that Ben Wyatt's character is giving me unrealistic expectations for my life...but then again, fiction has been giving me unrealistic expectations for life since 1991. Why won't this website let me put the pictures found here directly on this blog?

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