Monday, May 9, 2011

Partying in Club Mullins

Right now I'm studying for finals in the reading room at the library. It's cool...I know a bit more than most people about Polish political parties right now. The Dalai Lama is coming to speak here on's a huge deal. I'm very excited for this. Right now, there's a bunch of Tibetan cultural stuff in the reading room. And a bunch of interested people from the community looking at it. I'm glad they're's really cool stuff, and it's almost a shame it's all here during finals week, when the students don't really have the time to appreciate it. At least someone's getting a good cultural experience out of it!

(Also, I've made a mental note to come here to study here between 8-5...someone's supposed to be working on a butter sculpture. It's high art for Tibetans. And that's not sarcasm.)

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