Sunday, May 1, 2011


I went to see Reasons to be Pretty this afternoon. I don't know what I expected, but it was not among my favorite plays. It's about 4 people...two couples at the beginning. They all end up breaking up. And the angry looking girl in the middle is angry for most of the play. The guy on the right looked like Jason Sudekis somehow when he was acting. That was kinda cool...his character, Greg, was my favorite.


This fit together really well with the TBS stuff I was reading over a few minutes ago; we're supposed to have "physical and mental qualities of an attractive nature." But this isn't about being's about taking care of yourself and being healthy. The concept of prettiness has been thrust in front of me a lot today. It's becoming more multi-dimensional all the time...

But I didn't do so well today at having "a cheerfulness at all times." (another ideal of Tau Beta Sigma) Sometimes we all have those days...I just need to work on having them a lot less. Goals are good though!

Anyhow, it's raining here...again. A fitting way to start off the stress-filled last week of classes, I think.

Rainy day count: 2. My new rain boots are in Fayetteville and will soon be in my possession!

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