Monday, February 4, 2013

Not Watching the Super Bowl

Yesterday was the holy of holies. It was Super Bowl Sunday. To celebrate, I ate junk food while watching New Girl. Then I studied for French. Then I watched Blade Runner. (I'm not sure how I feel about that movie. I wanted to get to know the replicants better.)

But the topics on everyone's twitter and facebook pages were Beyonce and the blackout. Most of these posts were annoying, but people had no way of knowing that their clever thought was not original. Being a 21 year old girl who didn't watch the game, I naturally have many opinions about these topics.

1) Beyonce
Her drummer is my sister. MOTS, Cora. Also, I didn't need to watch this to realize that Beyonce would be amazing.

(The internet wants me to change "Beyonce" to "Bey-once." The internet has been watching SNL.)

2) Blackout
If you have never been to New Orleans/the Superdome, then you are missing out! It shows that having money doesn't prevent a place from being creepy and decrepit! The blackout didn't surprise me. In retrospect, I'm surprised that this didn't happen during the 2011 Sugar Bowl.

On Friday, my applications for the University of Kentucky (my top choice!) and George Washington University were completed. When I got the e-mail telling me that, the theme from Metropolis started playing in my mind...and because it's 2013 and instant gratification is what my generation is all about, on my computer as well. Metropolis is such a good movie! I can't quite describe why I loved it so much besides basic terms (J'aime la musique. J'aime la intrigue. Alles hat mir gut gefallen!), but everyone should watch it.

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