Monday, March 11, 2013

Kansas & Lent

I went to Kansas last weekend. It was amazing...despite the fact that since I was reunited with two of my study abroad friends, the weather decided to imitate Germany and it rained the whole time. I didn't take my photo-a-day though. I did go to Mass for the first time; it was interesting and I'm glad I went. Anyhow, here are the pictures I've scraped together for the past two days:

March 9: faithful

Ahhh, Mt. Sequoyah. A refuge for the faithful as well as a place for local pot smokers to congregate. The beacon on a hill - I can see it when I drive from my apartment to campus (at night). It's a good place to go when I need to contemplate something. I love this place so much.


March 10: ate

This might be my submission to "The Best Thing I Ever Ate" if that's still a show on the food network. I don't watch TV on a television anymore, so I don't know about that. It was delicious, and I enjoyed it with some amazing friends in one of the best cities in the world. Weisswurst and Bratkartoffeln: dinner of champions.


March 11: happy

Studying abroad is one of those things that can make a person totally giddy for 2 months straight. I still miss it so much; my classmates were rad and we got to do awesome things like climb a mountain. I was so perfectly happy during this time.

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