Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Throwback Tuesday!

I'm having a throwback Tuesday. Unfortunately, the throwback is to the semester where every Tuesday was a bad day. Luckily, I have a fantastic life so the "bad days" are like the best days in the lives of most people. I don't feel fantastic right now, but if I was perfectly happy each day, happiness would cease to have meaning. And even writing these words is making me feel better.

And here is some April Ludgate to make us all feel better.

In other news, the papal conclave started today. I'm really excited about it because this is a man who has perhaps the greatest influence in the world. (Other leaders are influential, but none of them have over a billion people listening to them voluntarily. "Voluntarily" is a word that I use to exclude China.) And this decision is unique in that it doesn't happen with any sort of frequency. The amount of ritual and secrecy that goes into this decision is remarkable. I've been reading up on this...much like I did last time. The more I look back on my high school life, the more surprised I am that I didn't start off my collegiate career as an IR major.

This reminds me, I've got a big decision coming my way in the next week. I'm waiting to hear back from a few professors, and I've been discussing it with my friends and family. As Kenneth Parcell always says: "Everything always works out for the best!"

Song of the Day:

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