Tuesday, March 26, 2013

March 21-26

I haven't been taking my photo every day, but today I caught up. I also did some homework, ran errands, and washed my sheets. Not bad for a Tuesday that's still got 8 hours left!

March 21: home

This is my home! We watch way too much basketball during March. I started dreaming about the Southwest Airlines commercial.


March 22: alone

I know the internet is great for kids who feel awkward and unloved to find their niche, but Facebook is really good at making you feel alone if all your friends are checking in somewhere and you're not with them.


March 23: restore

I also went to the car wash today to restore my car to its original shine, which was hidden under a thick layer of highway grime and tree pollen. I started sneezing anytime I got in, so it was time to clean it up!


March 24: blessed

I'm blessed to live somewhere where anyone can say their opinion, as so many of my facebook friends have today concerning gay marriage. (I was honestly shocked. I live in Arkansas, and approximately 75 of my facebook friends posted something positive about gay marriage and only 1 spoke out against it. That goes to show that the anti-gay marriage platform is largely made up of older Americans; in my lifetime gay marriage for all will be legal!)

I'm also blessed to belong to a denomination where things like this happen.


March 25: rejoice

Rejoice, rejoice. Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.


March 26: light

Oh my. Light was the word we had to define last night in poetry class. Light is knowledge, holiness, not dark, not evil, safety, and so many other things. Most of our light comes from the sun. The light from the sun is so bright that it looks like I took this in the evening, not at 2 pm.

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